In sewing, there is no such thing as "getting it right the first time" although I sure wish there was. Today my goal was to perfect the panty. So, I sat down with a strip of white swimsut fabric, and got to work. I chose lycra, #1, because it doesn't fray, and #2, it has a strong rebound (obviously), and puts up with a lot of stretching and pulling. Therefore, I know I could achieve a really good fit and still be able to pull them on those sticky plastic legs without wanting to swear.
This first picture is what I consider to be the best of today's attempts, though it still has a way to go.
The first pair I made was sewn with a straight seam. It looked darling, but once I pulled it on, all of the stitching snapped apart, which I should have forseen, seeing as the tight

So, I went to my sewing machine guide, hoping for an answer. To my relief, I found a stitich called the "lycra" stitch (duh). You can see a rough example to the left. Because it is not a straight line, it allows the fabric to stretch and, a REALLY GREAT side-effect happens to be a cute little ruffle effect!
So, after that wonderful discovery, I decided it was time to perfect my pattern. The current pattern I had created had a slight flaw:
Undesirable BOOTY exposure.
So, after a few more tries, I finally perfected the panty!
As for all those cute but not quite perfect panties that I have laying around my house now...
You are welcome to a FREE pair with every outfit you order, now, until I run out, of course.
Then, the "GOOD" ones are only $1 a piece!!
So, how do you like 'em? Cute? Silly? Leave me a comment and let me know.