Here you will find a nearly complete photo journal of what it takes to make a Barbie princess dress.

This isn't really a true tutorial, because I do not have patterns to offer to you. I don't have patterns for myself, either. Mostly, I just put the Barbie up to the fabric and cut around her. For this dress, I made sure to make the front bodice piece wider so that I could put in princess seams.
So, first, I cut out the bodice front and back.
Then I cut out the skirt. It is really only a big rectangle. I have 2 layers in this skirt, as you can see.

Then I put in the princess seams. I hold the piece up to the Barbie, mark where her breasts will be, then sew the darts.

Then, I sew the back to the front at the shoulders.
Sew an extra square of fabric to the neckline, then cut out the middle.

That leaves it looking like this:

Turn that extra piece inside out, sew around the neck again, and you ahve a finished neckline.

See? Pretty.
Then put on the sleeves. (I forgot to take pics of that part, sorry.) These particular sleeves are gathered at the shoulder and at the elbow.

Then sew from the sleeve edge down to the waist on both sides.

Make sure it fits. Adjust, if necessary. I got it perfect the first time! (That only happens once in a while.)

Skirt:Finish lower ends however you want. Then, baste top edges together.

Pull strings to gather. POOF!

Put right sides of skirt and bodice together and baste.


Then go over it again for strength and to make the seam lay straight when you put it on.

If you want, gather up a couple inches of tom layer and "garnish" with a bow.

Turn under the back seams, ending just at the widest part of Barbie's hip.

Start at the bottom of the skirt, and sew up to where the top seams stop at the hip to close the skirt.

Put on velcro. make sure you use REAL velcro. Not that Wal-Mart crap.

Cut off excess threads.
Ta Daaa!! Princess Dress!!!