Changes For Modest Barbie Style

This last Christmas has been a whirlwind of wonderful success for Modest Barbie Style. Therefore, the New Year calls for some updates and changes.
The most important change is that, for the next six months, I will not be able to take custom orders. This devastates me because I love the work I do, and the creation process. But I am in the last months of my pregnancy, trying to avoid bed rest, and I need the flexibility to sew and create when I have time and feel well enough.
I have every intention of sewing every day and posting on Etsy as often as I can. I have streamlined my patterns and sets. Some of the things you can look forward to seeing on Etsy are:
4 Seasons Set—An outfit for each season of the year.
“Sunday Best” Set—Two extra-modest dresses.
Swimsuit Set—Two swimsuits.
Princess Set—Two princess dresses.
Value Set—3 basic outfits
I know there are endless possibilities for sets and outfits for Barbie, and it is likely I will expand my options and sets, if I can. But, to get me through this crazy time of my life, I have chosen to stick with only these ideas, using 8 of my own patterns, and doing my very best to be realistic with myself and my wonderful customers. Thanks for your loyalty. I hope to see you on Etsy soon!